If you don’t know who Rodney Dangerfield is, you’re missing out. Now, my life is nowhere near a bad as the life of Dangerfield’s characters. But, man, it feels like it some days.
Failure on a MASSIVE scale
Windows is very “expensive” compared to Linux for running a simple web server…. Lesson learned.
Over to the dark side: WordPress
After a year (or more) of struggling with getting good SEO for a website I cobbled together, my client and I have decided to bite […]
Building a website with Google
A while ago we launched a new website that was built around a core of Google services. This site has some interesting features. Nothing ground-breaking. […]
Updating App.Config on-the-fly
Like most .NET developers, I use an application configuration file to store information that will be needed by my application at run-time. But what happens if you want to change the values that your application is using while the application is running? Fear not: there is a solution!
Do it by hand – EnOndaRadial.com
Most of my experiments have used good ole WordPress as the basic web platform with my SEO experiments as an overlay. Today, I’m trying something […]
Google Mapping API – Markers, Polygons, Points, Oh My!
If you’ve gone through my site, you probably know that I work as a contractor a good part of the time. Because of that I’m exposed to a lot of different technology / libraries. The most recent library has been Google Mapping API. I’ve learned about Markers, Polygons, Points and had the chance to play with some Javascript again. Good times.
Updated blog engine – beware
So I finally gave in and updated my blog engine. It was (almost) a seamless experience.
Lucene, SOLR, Hadoop and Pig
The next few weeks and months will have me working with new technology from Apache: SOLR, HADOOP, and Pig. Read how I got myself in this mess, and how I hope to get out of it.
CSS @import : Pseudo Inheritance
It turns out that there is “pseudo inheritance” (my term) possible in CSS. Here’s a quick-n-dirty.