Life under COVID started out somewhat confusing and slightly ambiguous. In the five months since I started working from home, things have gotten tougher, not easier the longer things stay the same.
Destruction of USPS – Why would they do that?
“Mail call!” The 1MC* aboard the USS Marvin Shields sent out the call and a dozen division mail clerks scurried to pick up the mail for the sailors in their Division.
To play or not to play
“He’ll never get an opportunity like that again, and it was taken away for what?” Uhler said.
Umm… how about “Public Safety”?
Tomas in Chicavasco, 2017
So there I was, two days into a four-day vacation visiting my uncle and cousins who I’d not seen in forty years. I was looking […]
Once a cop… Pt 2.
A while back I wrote a small piece about actors who seem to play law enforcement officers more than once. I just came across another […]
The myth about GOP alternatives to Obamacare
A while back, I had a Twitter “conversation” with Daniel Garza of the The Libre Initiative. After a few back-and-forths, Daniel stated that I was […]
Justice for All? Not really
The United States of America prides itself on being a nation of laws. We elect our leaders by popular vote (mostly). Our government (federal, state […]
Circle of life
My dad’s not doing well. I realize that the number of days I have with him are rapidly dwindling. It’s all part of the circle of life.
Once a cop, always a cop
So I was watching a show on TV and noticed that an actor was playing a police officer. Not too unusual. But then I remembered […]
Olympics For Sale !!
NBC Olympics requires a cable subscription in order to view online content. I don’t have a cable subscription and neither do millions of people. So NBC has decided that those of us in this situation do not need to view the Olympics. This isn’t right, but (for now) there’s not a lot we can do.