I was elected a District Level Delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention. This year, the delegates will meet in Chicago. This morning, I woke up at 3:30 AM and prepared to leave for a one week adventure.
I’ve been getting ready for this trip since the fall of 2023. Knowing that a convention would be taking place in 2024, I started looking into the process for becoming a deleted.
Not surprisingly, the information was somewhat hidden away on the website of the California Democratic Party (CADEM) website. As with many party activities, those who are “in” don’t like to share much information about the activities with those who are “out.”
But I found what I needed. I registered as a candidate and began a campaign to get elected as a delegate (you can still see my campaign website). I rounded up enough supporters to get elected in April 2024 and I was on my way. Reluctantly.
Concurrent with my efforts to be elected, the war in Gaza was underway. I’ve always been sympathetic with the Palestinian people in that region. They’ve suffered from inadequate leadership focused on perpetuating a losing military struggle in which the only losers are the Palestinian people.
Joe Biden had always been a staunch supporter of Israel, but the Democratic party has always been the champion of the oppressed. In regards to the relationship between Israel and Palestinians I’ve always viewed the Palestinians as the oppressed. I was hoping to hear Biden offer some words of support for them. I wasn’t hearing many.
As we got closer to the April election of delegates, I felt somewhat conflicted. I understood that this election would be a repeat of the 2020 election between Biden and Donald Trump. I also knew that I must do what I could to keep Trump out of the oval office.
However, I was concerned that Biden’s full support of Israel in the war in Gaza would lead many Democratic supporters to vote for a third party candidate as they did in 2016. I intended to attend the convention to urge delegates from the swing states to pledge to continue supporting Biden despite his stance on the conflict in Gaza.
Then, it happened. The debate. That disastrous debate in which Biden seemed lost and confused. Overnight, political activists, and regular everyday people were aware that Biden was vulnerable. Critical swing voters were suddenly sure that Biden would not be up to the challenge of campaigning against Trump. They were still of a like mind, ready to vote for Biden if needed, but they were unsure he would be victorious.
After several difficult weeks, Biden announced he would not seek the nomination of the Democratic party. Fortunately, he passed the metaphorical baton to his Vice President, Kamala Harris, and she took up the challenge. The energy among suppeters skyrocketed, mine included, in response to this announcement.
People have hope again. Me included.
This brings me to this morning. I’m on an airplane headed to Chicago for an exciting convention week.
I will do my duty as a delegate, but I also hope to find some time to do tourist things.
I want to see a baseball game at Wrigley Field and eat a legendary Chicago hot dog. I will take a scenic river tour of Chicago’s architecture. I will eat a Chicago pizza. And I will visit Navy Pier to get a photo of me with the Bob Newhart statue (I loved watching that show when I was young). It will be a good trip.