This evening I attended the DNC Convention Welcome Party at Chicago’s Navy Pier. I chit-chatted with many people from various states. I discovered some common challenges and some common inspirations.

The most entire inspiring part of the evening, was meeting with young delegates from throughout our great nation. People from Oregon, Florida, and even the Marianas islands.

One of the most fundamental differences that applies between conservative and liberal voters are who we are fighting for. All of the people I spoke to, agree that Democrats are fighting for everyone, while conservatives are fighting for themselves, perhaps their family, and at a stretch, their children.

I spoke with people who had been active in the party for many years, and people for whom this is their first opportunity to participate in a convention.
I spoke with a county chair in Mississippi who is fighting voter suppression in many areas.

Delegates from Oregon

I spoke with a group of young delegates from the state of Florida who agree that their governor must be replaced.

Young delegates from Florida

I met a young man was running to be a congressional representative from Washington DC. He worked in Sacramento as the legislative aid for several years, but has now been working in washington, and is now running to represent the people of the city in which he lives. We agreed that the party needs better messaging to Union members.

Too often union members did not appreciate the benefits that they receive from being Union members. It’s important that all you needed members step forward, united, to remind their coworkers who do not pay union dues of the benefits they receive from being in Union members. Unions built the American working class. It is time for Democrats to support unions.

I ended the evening speaking to delegate from Wyoming. Like me he works in the IT industry. We agreed that the party needs to educate voters in conservative areas so that they understand that conservative policies do not work in their best interest.

Some of the highlights of the evening include hearing from DNC chairman Jamie Harrison, as he introduced the one and only Mark Hamill. And the musical acts were top notch.

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