The other day I was struggling with generating XML data from a database I was working with. After talking with a co-worker, he mentioned using Transact-SQL and the “For XML Explicit” options related to a query. So I looked at how to accomplish this task using the .NET Framework.
A JavascriptSerializer twist
I had some trouble parsing some JSON text using JavascriptSerializer class. Here is some code that I used to parse the troublesome text.
Compiling C# Code from the Command Line (Updated)
Compiling C# Code from the command line is a useful skill. CSC.EXE and MSBUILD.EXE are two tools which professional developers should know how to use. Here’s how/why I recently had to dust off my skills in these areas.
Javascriptserializer and .NET – Why the sudden interest?
A while back, I put up a page on my first introduction to the Javascriptserializer class in the .NET library. Specifically, it dealt with how […]
Complete MySQL and iTextSharp Example
I present a small sample web application that illustrates how to use iTextSharp to create a PDF document using data derived from a MySQL datasource. Specific workarounds for GoDaddy hosting are implemented.
Compiling iTextSharp for use on GoDaddy
On this site, I have a page that discusses some of the problems that I encountered while getting a website up and running on GoDaddy […]